For SF specifically, the obvious ways I can think of to "learn where the levers are" would be attending Joel Engardio's SF Politics 101 seminar (his recent election to supervisor is some evidence that he actually knows something!) and the City Guardians Academy political candidate training (led by the school board recall organizers). An Ezra faction wouldn't be totally aligned with these folks, but it would be closer to them than to the other existing city factions.

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Very good. Eager to support!

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oh man oh man! This is the work! I like the idea of the union. I know that my pals at the sunrise movement were considering moving to a due-paying structure. It reminds me of Jane McAlevy's unbreakable solidarity: it's the kind of networks we need to build to make lasting durable change, let alone raise the funds to reclaim a city. And I can't say there's an agenda for which I'd rather fight, tooth-and-nail, and actually more than fight, gather people around, because it's victory for all. Talk soon, I hope.

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I opened this thinking it would be about Ezra Pound

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Yes, US government is important when it comes to stimulating economic growth ! It allowed Amazon for many years to sell without having to add sales tax. Currently Jef Bezos sails the seven seas in a $ 500 Million boat.

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