Great piece! Something I can point my friends at when I want to explain the Abundance Movement. I love this crisp summarization:

> Abundants believe the problem is fundamentally about product, not marketing. Our problem is not how we talk about issues. It’s how we don’t deliver on them.

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I've been looking at everything from the system standpoint for years (Since reading Systemantics back in the 1970s in fact) and welcome this thoughtful nomenclature concepts for thinking about systems. The examples in the grid are especially helpful - they can help people understand on a case-by-case basis why the "Moderate" approach is short-sighted (plus they are new to me - thanks.) However, it'll be very difficult to get people past "this shouldn't be so difficult so we won't allow it to be" - silver bullets are instinctive and easily become memes and even casual conspiracy theories. Here in Portland I watch voters go back and forth between throwing incumbents out and then damning the people they elected; or voting for crazy new laws and then regretting the unintended consequences.

I do agree with the idea that there needs to be "moral energy and fighting faith" - without those, people will just become more and more ignorantly cynical.

I can't (don't want to) pay for each and every Substack that I find interesting, so I subscribed for free to say this.

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